About Us

The Acton Film Club was started in August 2009 by Mark Mason and Nick Jones after many discussions and many pints at The Rocket. Since then we have screened a film every three weeks, each preceded by a short introduction from Nick. We show silent films, world cinema, contemporary and classic British and American pictures and cult movies. Currently we programme by year.
Films are also chosen from time to time by individual members who then introduce the film themselves.
Amanda Mason runs the AFC with Nick and is the contact point for all membership enquiries and subscriptions. An annual membership costs £20 per person and is renewable in September.



You can contact the Acton Film Club at actonfilmclub@gmail.com

If you would like to be added to the mailing list of AFC to receive updates about everything from guest speakers, choosing films and everything in between simply email our address with a request to  be added and we'll do the rest.